Project SIRIMA

Sinkhole hazard and risk management in post-mining areas

Project realized within the framework of Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2023)areas

Project 101157400 – RFCS-2023

Project Name

Sinkhole hazard and risk management in post-mining area

Project Goals

Proper management of the coal mine liquidation process is essential for ensuring the safety of land use. This safety includes both the health and life of residents and the conduct of business activities and the use of areas degraded by mining activities. The SIRIMA project focuses on increasing knowledge and experience related to the threats of post-mining areas in EU Member States especially related to uncontrolled movements of the earth’s surface.

These movements, apart from subsidence related to the conducted mining or movements resulting from the impact of mining tremors, can also take the form of uplifts caused by the lifting of the groundwater table in the rock mass and sudden, discontinuous deformations of the ground surface, i.e. sinkholes.

When sinkholes appear in urbanized areas of coal regions, they pose a real threat to buildings, technical infrastructure, roads and other utility facilities (Article 6). They can also pose a threat to human health and life, but most often, they cause strong anxiety, stress (Article 5) and indicate a lack of control by local government bodies over the managed areas.


Project realized within the framework of Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2023)
Project 101157400 – RFCS-2023

Project Partners

Disseminations & News

Kick-off meeting of Partners implementing the SIRIMA project

On August 29-30, 2024, the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute (GIG-PIB) held the 1st partners’ meeting, which officially launched the SIRIMA project: Sinkhole Hazard and Risk Management in Post-Mining Areas, co-financed by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) of the European Union. Its coordinator is GIG-PIB and the partners are: the […]

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